About Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, FHNW) is a major public higher education institution in the corresponding area of the country. It has over 12,000 students and 2,500 staff members. It is one of 7 Universities of Applied Sciences accredited by the Swiss government and is run jointly by four states (cantons). The School of Engineering at FHNW focuses on education and research on applied topics in computer science, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. All research is performed in 11 independent institutes.
The Institute of 4D Technologies, or i4Ds, will host the project. The institute works on topics related to the management, processing, and visualization of big data collections. Its aim is to design and develop real-world applications that are capable of generating more knowledge, more choice, and more personalization out of the data collections.
The core competences of the institute are in computer science. Themes that are addressed include requirements engineering, user interaction design, databases, machine learning, optimization, social network analysis, and computer graphics. i4Ds has a strong track of EU projects, including SUPERSEDE, Wise-IoT, FLARECAST, JHELIOVIEWER, HESPE, CASSIS, and HELIO. It also has a strong multidisciplinary orientation that is rooted in its interdisciplinary projects in cooperation with academic, industry, and educational partners.
The Centre for Requirements Engineering (CeRE), led by Prof. Dr. Fricker and Prof. Dr. Seyff will lead the FHNW contributions to the Bonseyes project. From previous and ongoing European research and innovation projects, they bring relevant experience and background into the Bonseyes project. Their competences in Software Engineering, with a special focus on Requirements Engineering, Platform and Ecosystem Development, Feedback Methods, and Validation, are highly relevant for the requirements engineering and specification tasks in the project, and for the development, and validation of the Bonseyes AI marketplace. CeRE will also bring its national and international academic and industry network and its experience in producing high-quality scientific publications into the Bonseyes project to support the dissemination.